Corrosion begins when an electrolyte (water, oxygen, humidity) is present on the surface of a metal. When this happens, electrons then flow from high-energy areas of the metal to low energy areas in a loop, through the electrolyte. The corrosion process results in the formation of oxidation on the metal surface. PDS VCI retards this reaction by passivating the surface and inhibiting or depressing the electro-chemical mechanism that triggers oxidation. Electrical current attempts to flow from the anode through the electrolyte into the cathode but cannot, because of the VCI’s presence. VCI molecules attach themselves to a metal surface to form an invisible, thin film, possibly only a few molecules or even one molecule thick, to protect metal from attack. PDS VCI products can work for several years to prevent corrosion from occurring on the metal surface.
Corrosion begins when an electrolyte (water, oxygen, humidity) is present on the surface of a metal. When this happens, electrons then flow from high-energy areas of the metal to low energy areas in a loop, through the electrolyte. The corrosion process results in the formation of oxidation on the metal surface. PDS VCI retards this reaction by passivating the surface and inhibiting or depressing the electro-chemical mechanism that triggers oxidation. Electrical current attempts to flow from the anode through the electrolyte into the cathode but cannot, because of the VCI’s presence. VCI molecules attach themselves to a metal surface to form an invisible, thin film, possibly only a few molecules or even one molecule thick, to protect metal from attack. PDS VCI products can work for several years to prevent corrosion from occurring on the metal surface.
3 Layers Anti-corrosion paper
- VCI防銹劑含於牛皮紙面,無毒環保,包裝完整下最長可達2年防銹效期
- Coating the VCI material in kraft paper to protect the metal 2 years
- 牛皮紙(含防銹劑)外貼合PE編織布主要是增加其強度,適合鋼捲等重物的外包裝
- Laminating PE woven cloth can increase better strength of VCI paper
** Width:Max. 3 meter up to 1.5ton / roll
三合一防銹紙性能測試(By 中鋼)
Cycle Test (By CSC)
Cycle Test (By CSC)
包裝範例 Example
蓬達興PDS PLUS VCI防銹粒是製作VCI防銹袋等防銹塑膠製品的基礎原料。它的主要成份是由氣相緩蝕劑和多種添加劑組成,保證不添加亞硝酸鈉。將防銹塑膠原料按既定比例混合在LDPE及LLDPE塑料粒子中充分攪拌,以便氣相防銹劑充分分散,通過吹膜機製成防銹塑膠膜/塑膠袋。適用多種金屬!!
lt Index=2.2g/10min、Melting Point=124℃、Density=0.97g/cc PDS VCI master batch is a Nitrite-Free anti-corrosion master batch designed for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. PDS PLUS VCI master batch can be blended with many polyethylene resins (LDPE/ LLDPE/ HDPE / PP) to form a broad range of anti-corrosion packaging systems. |
** Suggest concentration of 3% by weight
VCI PE Bag test
VCI PE Bag test
包裝範例 Example